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  • This policy is only for use when the boys and/or girls dorm(s) reach capacity. 

  • Day Camper registration will be the same as that of on-site, late or at-the-door registration. 

  • A camper who is already registered to stay in the dorms is not permitted to switch or transfer their registration to that of a Day Camper. 

  • Day Campers are encouraged to participate in any and all on-campus meals, sessions, services and recreation activities. 

  • Day Campers must check in and/or out in the administration office each time they enter or exit the campus.

  • Day Campers are not permitted to enter the dorms for any reason. They must get ready for services at their off campus accommodation site. (Unless otherwise authorized by the camp principal or youth camp executive committee).

  • Day Campers must check in at the administration office before night recreation (or at any other time campers are sent to their dorms). Day campers will be permitted to use the tabernacle facilities to change for day/night recreation activities once cleared to do so by the administration office or camp principal. 

  • Day Campers can check in each morning beginning at 9:30am and must vacate the campground each evening at the conclusion of night recreation, when dorm campers are sent to their dorms.”

  • No day camper is permitted to take a registered camper with them off campus at any time, nor are they permitted to bring anyone on campus with them outside of a parent, guardian or pastor that might be transporting them. 

  • If a parent, guardian or pastor is transporting the student to and from campus, they will not be permitted to stay on the campground. Without registering as camp staff and fulfilling their required duties, they would be required to vacate the campground immediately after picking up or dropping off their day camper. 

  • Day campers are required to follow all camp rules and dress code. They will not be permitted to bring anything on campus beyond their own personal affects. Bringing or delivering any items, products, foods or substances to fellow on-campus campers or staff is strictly forbidden.

© 2022 Oklahoma Youth UPCI

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